# Privacy Policy
The protection of your data is of particular concern to us. Therefore, we process your data only based on the applicable data protection laws (GDPR). We take careful precautions to protect your data from loss, manipulation, and unauthorized access. The precautions are by the current state of technology. In this statement on our Data Privacy Policy, we inform you about the most important aspects in the context of data processing in our apps.
The following applications do not collect any information.
- SaveCopy
- Shizuku
- Key Attestation Demo
# 1. Personal information
If not special specified, we do not collect and hold any information that would allow us to identify users of our apps.
In case of in-app purchases of our apps in the Google Play Store, we receive information about the purchase (order ID, purchase time, region) from Google.
The following applications have optional features which requires additional information.
Storage Isolation has "online rules" feature. This feature is disabled by default from version 8.2.2. If this feature is enabled, in order to fetch the "online rule" related to the application, we collect application ID of apps on users' device. No other personal information is collected and sent. The application ID is only used to find the corresponding rule file and not stored.
# 2. Anonymous identifier
In the case of in-app purchase, an anonymous identifier participate in purchase verification. The anonymous identifier is generated the first time the application is launched. Clearing the data of the application, reinstalling the application or factory resetting the device will reset the identifier. As mentioned the identifier is anonymous, we cannot trace information back to individual devices or users.
The following applications have an in-app-purchase function.
- Storage Isolation
- AppOps
- NoPopping
- FPS Monitor
# 3. Use of third-party services
# Visual Studio App Center
App Center is a product of Microsoft Corporation, it provides crash reporting function. We have the access of aggregated and anonymous information about device country settings, device languages, device names, version of operating systems, as well as the version of our apps from Visual Studio App Center. In addition, Visual Studio App Center provides us with information about app crashes. The aggregated and anonymous information is held by Microsoft Corporation.
As the mentioned aggregated data is anonymous, we cannot trace information back to individual devices or users.
Further information about privacy in Visual Studio App Center can be found from this webpage from Visual Studio App Center (opens new window).
The following applications use Visual Studio App Center.
- Storage Isolation
- AppOps
- NoPopping
# 4. Your right
For applications using Visual Studio App Center mentioned in section 3, you can request for deleting the aggregated and anonymous information and the information will be deleted in 28 days.
# 5. Contact
Contact for your privacy concerns: support@rikka.app